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Friday, June 8, 2012

Nokia 1800, 1616 LCD Display Problem - Lines and components Test and Tracing spots

This repair solution show the particular components and line paths of  Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 Lcd display signals. This guide can be used for quick troubleshooting and repairing display problem issues on Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616.
This repair guide shows  on where and which particular components of the LCD data signal feeds across to a particular components, including even the solder ball bumps of the infeon X-gold 110 chip through to the LCD filter coils, resistors and LCD display module.

 There are two LCD voltages that feeds to the LCD module, the 1.8 volts Dc which is in color pink line and the 2.8 volts which is in green line.  The other four which are the display data signals.
This guide is useful when the display data filter coils and resistors already been replaced but the problem still exists. You can trace all of those corresponding line paths when the time that you need to remove, rework and even trying to replace a new IC

Solutions for Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 Insert Sim Card Problem

Here's a complete repair guide to fix Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 Insert Sim Card problem issues. This solution shows the complete line paths of the SIM card circuit which we can used for easy troubleshooting procedures, including its connection to the IC components solder ball bumps.

Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 Sim card circuit connection layout

The Sim card circuit of Nokia 1616 and Nokia 1800 used an  EMI filter chip for the circuit protection.
This EMI filter IC can be damaged if an excessive electromagnetic interference or electrostatic discharge interfere with the circuit. The Vsim which is the voltage being supplied to the sim card to make it work also cause the problem if being cut or damaged, this voltage range from 1.8  to 2.4 volts, the voltage varies according to the type of SIM card.

Repair hints for Insert SIM card Problem repair procedures:
1. You may check the circuit surroundings first and see to it that it is free from dirt, foreign object and corrosion, a corroded components may also cause the problem, clean it first as necessary.

2. You may start to check the VSIM line paths continuity  by using a multimeter, start from the VSIM capacitor   through to the SIM card pin connector, to check if that said line is okay.

3. Check the ground line of the sim card pin connector, If the ground line is cut it also cause the problem.

4. Remove the EMI filter chip if the above check up is okay, check the EMI filter IC internal line paths, from solder bumps; A2 and A3 are the line for the the SIM data and the resistance value is 100ohms, B1 and B3 SIM reset, the resistance value is 100 ohms also and then C1 and C3 for the SIM clock signals which has a resistance of 47 ohms. Replace it if found busted or damaged, you can easily find a replacement for it in other non working Nokia cell phone models PCB board that has an EMI filter IC also, just look for the solder bumps configuration if it's same.

5. This part may need an adequate experience and extra care to handle with or you may end up killing the phone, if you are a beginner mobile phone techie  you may need to ask assistance to your head tech or a senior and most experience one technician before doing this procedure.
Now if all the above does not solve the problem, you may need to reflow, rework, remove the main IC labeled X-gold 110, then check the solder bumps continuity through to the SIM pin connectors, then reball it and in-place it back

Charging problem solution for Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616

This solution shows the complete line paths of Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 charging circuit connections that can be used for repairing charging problem issues on the device such as, Not charging, Charging no response when inserted or it does not show charging indication when a charger is being plug-in.

Nokia 1616 and Nokia 1800 Not Charging Solution  ( circuit connection line paths )

Nokia 1616 and Nokia 1800 charging ways

Repair Procedure on Nokia 1800 and Noki1616 not charging problem.
procedure below may varies accordingly from case to case basis.

1. Check the charging pin connector if its free from dirt and corrosion. Clean it if corroded or  find a replacement spare on it then replace it.

2. Check and clean the charging pin connector terminal contact pads.

3. Check the chip fuse if it is busted or damaged by using a multimeter. If found damaged, check the chip diode if shorted. Replace both of it the don't apply jumper on the chip fuse, this method can still save the phone in the future, if you apply jumper on it directly the phone will be dead if a short circuit happen on that particular area again and other than that, it's so very unprofessional way.
You can easily find a replacement of this spare parts component to other non working PCB board.

4. Check all the  components remaining as shown on the solution picture, a resistor marked R2200 is a fusible resistor which has a value of 0.55 ohms. This resistance value consider as fusible and may easily break or cut if a short circuit has occurs like a water damaged devices.

5. Those  transistor shown in the solution image  is the voltage regulator that holds and control the charging voltage from the battery charger. The small one has six legs on it and the other one which the big has three legs, just refer to the PCB board layout of your device for the exact component layout.
replace both of it if not so familiar to check those components.

6. The last part needs adequate experience to perform if all of the above does not solve the problem,
Take note: you may do this at your own risk.. just don't do it if your just a beginner or you may end up killing the phone.  re-flowing and reworking the X-gold 110 chip needs extra care and proper training

Keypad and LCD Display backlight LED failure solution for Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616

This solutions shows the location of particular components or spare parts on the PCB board layout that might get damaged and cause the device for unable to light up the LCD display backlight LED's including the keypad backlight LED.

Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 LCD display backlights circuit components layout

This also includes the line paths of each particular voltage and current that feeds to the backlight LED's of the LCD display module from the inner most part of the main ic component solder ball bumps for deep troubleshooting analysis.

Repair tips: check and have a continuity test on all filter coils and each lines paths from where it is being connected according to the picture's layout

Earpiece and Ringer Speaker Solution for Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616

Here's the repair solution to solve and fix nokia 1800 and nokia 1616 Earpiece and Loud Speaker (Ringer/buzzer) failure. In nokia 1800 and nokia 1616 the earpiece and ringer circuit have been combined and connected to a single speaker unlike the old types which  have both different speaker in each circuit.

The  below solution picture shows the line paths and layout of components for the Earpiece Speaker.You may trace all of those corresponding components if having trouble with the earpiece or Earpiece Audio sound problem. The positive and negative audio signal which flow across into four coils, a chip resistor 4.6 ohms and an EMI filter chip before it being feeds to the Speaker terminal pads and so on to the speaker.

Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 Earpiece Speaker components layout and line paths

The two remaining components are chip resistors, this resistors are fusible resistors with has a zero ohms value. Both positive and negative Audio signals also flow into the two filter coils and the emi filter chip then feeds trough to the speaker.

Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 Loud Speaker ( Ringer/Buzzer) line paths and components layout

All those components are very easy to check and you may find a replacement on it if found busted or damaged. If all of its corresponding components were already replace and making sure that all of it working perfectly okay but the problem still exists and no audio sound can be heard over the speaker, we may now consider that the problem lies on the line paths between the main IC or the IC itself is being damaged. connections.

Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 Earpiece and Ringer IC component solder ball bumps connection

The last solution solution for this is to reflow, rework the main IC component. Be sure to check the line paths of corresponding solder ball bumps of the IC component which holds the earpiece or the  ringer loud speaker, after reballing it and inplacing it back.
Just be careful and have a good heat temperature and air flow control using you reworking station in handling the main IC module

Microphone problem of Nokia 1616 and Nokia 1800 repair solution

Here's a simple solution that can be used to repair a damaged Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616 Mouthpiece microphone problem, In this repair guide it shows the location of  particular components that might possibly damaged when the problem occurs. Tis solution can be used after in-placing or installing a new microphone module on the device but the problem still exists and does not solve the problem.

Mouthpiece microphone components layout and tracing line paths for nokia 1800 and nokia 1616

Repair tips:
1. Check or replace a new microphone replacement before proceeding..
2. make sure that microphone's contact pads is absolutely clean, a poor contact pads of the microphone's terminal also cause the problem.
3. check those two filter coil near the microphones contact pads, have a continuity check between the microphone's contact pad's core to each corresponding filter coil. The inner layer core is the positive and the outer layer core which  is the negative.
4. Continue to check the line paths across  to microphones circuit as shown on repair guide solution above. Trace and make sure that both positive and negative line is not cut or does not have an open circuit.
5. The B+ line indicated in the guide is the microphone's circuit power supply, If this said supply voltage is missing or cut also causes the microphone nonfunctional.
A poor quality audio sound signal also occurs if there is a damaged components on that part.
6. The IC component solder ball bumps that holds the microphones connection can be used to trace those lines if an internal cut or damaged occurred, when all of the above hints does not solve the problem.

Power ON-OFF switch Key Line paths for Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1616

Here's the solution to repair Nokia 1616 and Nokia 1800 power ON/OFF switch problem.
This problem may cause the device unable to power up when hitting the power key. The problem may easily configured if the power ON and OFF switch key has no response, but the device is not totally dead for it shows a charging indication when you charge it up. Now, this solution simply shows the line paths (ON OFF ways)of the power key.

Nokia 1616, 1800 Power ON OFF switch Line Paths (ON and OFF ways)

Hints for repair: when the device will unable to power up when hitting the power key button but it shows charging indication when you plug-in the battery charger, the problem may possibly lies on the power key line paths. But before tracing the line paths, you must see to it that the keypad membrane is perfectly clean and free from dirt, corrosion and oxidation. You can check the power ON/OFF voltage to the inner core of the switch key terminal pads, this voltage may range approximately  from 1to 3 volts. If there is no voltage reading you get on that spot, locate and trace the  test spots for the power switch, see the picture guide above, it is located just near the keypad LED. Make a continuity check by using a multimeter to those corresponding spots indicated on the picture guide, from the power key pads through to each corresponding component. The outer core is connected to a chip capacitor located near the clock crystal oscillator.

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